I duplicated the v3 and v3.5 folders/nodes (with all the same contents) on my local server, and then I used s3Sync to upload them to my S3 bucket:
/path/to/ruby /path/to/s3cmd/s3sync.rb -r -p --delete -d -v /sync/this/folder/v5/ my-bucket:v5
/path/to/ruby /path/to/s3cmd/s3sync.rb -r -p --delete -d -v /sync/this/folder/v5.5/ my-bucket:v5.5
This successfully uploaded the content to my-bucket on S3.
I then commented-out the second line, and ran the script again:
/path/to/ruby /path/to/s3cmd/s3sync.rb -r -p --delete -d -v /sync/this/folder/v5/ my-bucket:v5
#/path/to/ruby /path/to/s3cmd/s3sync.rb -r -p --delete -d -v /sync/this/folder/v5.5/ my-bucket:v5.5
The contents of my v5.5 folder/node were deleted, and the v5 folder/node was successfully updated.
I will PM you the log.
Thanks so much for you help! I really appreciate it.