I'm really just scratching the surface of s3sync and hit a stupid failure when I tried to upload a test directory into the prefix that exactly resembled the source path, including the first slash of the root partition:
./s3sync.rb -vrd /home/martin/test mrvanes-us:/home/martin/test
This does not yield an error, but neither a successfull backup when I check the upload in s3fox.
A 0 bytes sized empty-named directory is created, but is not accessible.
I'm fully aware that I may have handled against the rules of the readme, but I wanted to raise the point since it seems an obvious error to make (to me at least
On close inspection, it turns out s3cmd can read the backup (list shows the filenames), so it seems s3fox can not handle the first slash in the base prefix. Although this might be specific to s3fox I would suggest stripping any leading slash since it doesn't serve any purpose anyway. Or am I wrong?