Hi there,
I recently signed up for S3 and I want to use S3sync to backup my Zimbra backups folder. this folder contains a weekly full and 6 incremental backups, the full is about 800MB and the incrementals are about 20-80 each.
they rotate and each week they get deleted on a rotation.
anyhow I setup my script to use s3sync with ssh (even though the files are encrypted using GPG I still would like to use ssh)
I get the connrection reset by peer loop that was supposed to be fixed.
the command I used: s3sync.rb --progress -rs /backup publickeyhere-zimbra:
Create node 21_ZimbraBackup_20100526_FULL.1.dar
Progress: 197341184b 260218b/s 24% Connection reset: Connection reset by peer
99 retries left, sleeping for 30 seconds
Progress: 118877184b 82078b/s 14% Connection reset: Connection reset by peer
98 retries left, sleeping for 30 seconds
Progress: 471596032b 162847b/s 57% Connection reset: Connection reset by peer
97 retries left, sleeping for 30 seconds
notice the performance is also pretty slow. Now of course this can be my server but it is in a real datacenter (not my basement) and with other backup servers I get 2 to 8MB/s.
thanks for any advice/help!