Nope you're fine. Are you sure it's "processing" them, or just making a node for the directory and then skipping its contents? Because that's what your regex is telling it to do.
If you want to skip the folder itself, as well as its contents, you should trail with /|$ instead of just /
(that's "slash, or the end of the string")
This is not working for me. This isn't skipping .svn folders, it's skipping
What does the trailing |$ supposed to do? The following cmd is excluding all subdirectories.
./s3sync.rb -rd --delete --progress --exclude="\.svn/|$" -n /etc <bucket>:
Here's the debug from a test folder structure I created
localTreeRecurse /tmp/testing
Test /tmp/testing/bli1
Test /tmp/testing/bli3
Test /tmp/testing/bli2
Test /tmp/testing/.svn
Adding it as a dir node
skipping local item /.svn because of --exclude
.svn is a dir node
skipping local item /.svn because of --exclude
skipping local item /bli1 because of --exclude
skipping local item /bli2 because of --exclude
skipping local item /bli3 because of --exclude
In this example (according to your post) the following would be synch'ed
and the following would be skipped
but all you get is a file node 'testing'