Hi Greg Ferrix
Thank you for coming out with this excellent s3sync.rb.
However, I am more interested in s3cmd.rb, and need a 'create empty folder' feature.
I found something here:
http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/thread.jspa?messageID=36210... could create an empty object for each directory and use a meta tag to flag it as directory ...
Wondering if you drop some direct hints on how to tweak your s3cmd.rb script to do this?
The reason why I want to create emtyp folder :
I noticed to that when I used s3cmb.rb to put something on Amazon, e.g,
s3cmd.rb put pa_svn:testdir2/testfile2b localtestdir002/localtestfile2b,
s3cmd.rb will create the folder testdir2 containing the file testfile2b on Amazon.
But when I use Firefox S3 organizer to delete the file testfile2b on Amazon,
the testdir2 on Amazon also disappeared.
It seems that the folder testdir2 created by s3cmd.rb cannot be empty.
This is unlike in Firefox S3 organizer where you can create an empty folder.
When I do this,
s3cmd.rb put pa_svn:testdir4 localtestdir4 ,
s3cmd.rb will create something that looks like a file on Amazon (Firefox S3 organizer sees a file 'testdir4').
Then I do this,
s3cmd.rb put pa_svn:testdir4/testfile4 localtestdir4/localtestfile4,
Firefox S3 organizer still sees the same thing, something that looks like a file 'testdir4'
and when I download using Firefox S3 organizer, 'testdir4' is not a directory but a file which is unreadable.
I guess s3cmd.rb is not fully compatible with Firefox S3 organizer.
But if there is a command in s3cmd.rb to create an empty folder on Amazon, I think
if I create the folder first on Amazon before putting the file there, it will
be compatible with Firefox S3 organizer.
Any direct hints on how to create an empty folder on Amazon S3?
Thank you very much.