Title: sync from cron - ruby: command not found Post by: seengee on December 13, 2007, 07:39:07 AM Hi,
I have created a script for backing up to s3, this runs fine when invoked from the command line by myself just running ./sync_wednesday.sh but when i attempt to run this script from a cron like this: 01 06 * * 4 root run-parts /home/s3sync/syncscripts/sync_wednesday.sh i get an email saying: /home/s3sync/syncscripts/sync_wednesday.sh: line 6: ruby: command not found sync_wednesday.sh looks like this: #!/bin/bash # script to upload local directory upto s3 cd /home/s3sync/s3sync/ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=55555555555555555555555 export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=55555555555555555555555555555 export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ruby s3sync.rb -r --ssl --delete /backup/cpbackup/daily/ myBackup:serverName/wednesday/ the export PATH bit is just guesswork on my part, ruby is in that directory so i figured that might help but it doesnt. any ideas? Title: Re: sync from cron - ruby: command not found Post by: ferrix on December 13, 2007, 09:05:50 AM Why not just make the command say /usr/local/bin/ruby then?