I have a bash script that I want to run every week (backup_dati.sh).
The script do something like that (but a bit more complex):
mkdir /usr/emanuele/s3sync/archivi/dati/officineparon.com
tar -czf - "/var/www/vhosts/officineparon.com" | split -b 4m - "/usr/emanuele/s3sync/archivi/dati/officineparon.com/officineparon.com.tar.gz"
/usr/emanuele/s3sync/s3sync.rb -r "/usr/emanuele/s3sync/archivi dati/officineparon.com/" backup-server-integramenti1:backup-
rm -f -r /usr/emanuele/s3sync/archivi/dati/officineparon.com
It works if I run from shell:
sh /usr/emanuele/s3sync/script/backup_dati.sh
but if I setup a cronjob, the 3rd line (where I call the ruby script) is skipped.
I try to edit main cron with:
crontab -e
and also with:
vi /etc/crontab
adding the line
3 19 18 3 * root sh /usr/emanuele/s3sync/script/test.sh
Then I tried to modify the line in:
ruby /usr/emanuele/s3sync/s3sync.rb -r -v "/usr/emanuele/s3sync/archivi/dati/officineparon.com/" backup-server-integramenti1:backup-dati/officineparon.com/ >> "/usr/emanuele/s3sync/archivi/log/backup_test_log2.html"
but the result is the same...
"tar" instruction works ok, ruby not....someone knows why?!
I must configure something?