Title: Want a log, but not what --progress does Post by: dcj on July 08, 2008, 10:07:11 AM Hello,
I'm using s3sync to back up an important directory tree on one of my servers. I'm running s3sync from cron every night, I finally got all the environment variables set correctly so it runs. Since cron packages up the output of the apps it runs, and emails them to root, I'd like to have s3sync provide information about what it is doing. When I run s3sync interactively, I specify --progress, which is a great feature, but when run under cron, I don't want the percentage file xfer stats that progress provides, just the file operations in other words, I want these msgs: node backup/db_2008-07-07.sql.gz but not these msgs: Progress: 90112b 87852b/s 2% Progress: 169984b 83748b/s 4% (how) can I get s3sync to do this? Thanks! Don Title: Re: Want a log, but not what --progress does Post by: ferrix on July 08, 2008, 03:02:37 PM -v