
General Category => Questions => Topic started by: RobinBones on January 30, 2009, 09:13:23 AM

Title: Problems with symlinks on windows server 2008
Post by: RobinBones on January 30, 2009, 09:13:23 AM
Hello all, I have installed ruby, and S3sync 1.1.4
I am using the following command
ruby s3sync.rb -d -v -r bucket:bucket C:/www
I want to place the contents of "bucket" on amazon S3 in c:\www\bucket

As I was woking with the script, I originally ran the script with the wrong local target.
Now in the log I see it is trying to use the wrong folder. It is trying to use c:\www\bucket\bucket

I see:
symlink value is:

I am guessing that the target is cached in a sym link some where some how?
How can I clear those links so I can start over with the correct path?

Title: Re: Problems with symlinks on windows server 2008
Post by: RobinBones on January 30, 2009, 10:28:33 AM
I found my issue.
Initially I had the source and destination backwards, and in my testing I created some strange keys on S3.
Then when I got the correct command, it had issues with those keys.

I cleaned up my S3 account, and it is working fine now.