Title: uploading using signed URLs Post by: rondari on July 17, 2008, 08:51:09 PM Hi all,
I have a client/server app I'm building. To avoid bundling the AWS secret keys with my little client app, I'm using S3's signed URL feature. My server (running python) is successfully generating signed URL's (signed for 'PUT', not 'GET'... I'm uploading) that look like this: https://myBucket.s3.amazonaws.com:443/somename%2Ftesting.jpg?Signature=YuyOUOuho87858gjguy65865kgh%3D&Expires=1216301872&AWSAccessKeyId=U878JAN7HUYFOU76HGBKMHF Can S3cmd use that signed URL to upload to S3? Title: Re: uploading using signed URLs Post by: ferrix on July 18, 2008, 11:09:18 AM There's not any facility for it to input your own URLs like that. It can only be used to generate the signed requests.