Title: Same script and credentials fails on one machine, works on another Post by: wallyfoo on August 29, 2007, 07:09:06 PM Ok, two machines. One running OS X 10.3.9, the other running Red Hat Linux 7 (yes, it's that old).
I compiled Ruby 1.8.6 from source on both machines with no errors. I opted to use the shell script method for execution. Here is the script I'm using on both machines: Code: #!/bin/bash export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxxxxxxxxx export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxx cd /usr/local/s3sync ruby s3cmd.rb -v listbuckets On the OS X Machine, this executes flawlessly. On the Linux box, the exact same script returns: Code: list all buckets {} S3 command failed: list_all_my_buckets With result 403 Forbidden 3sync.rb works on OS X and fails similarly on the Linux box. Any ideas would be most appreciated. Title: Re: Same script and credentials fails on one machine, works on another Post by: lowflyinghawk on September 03, 2007, 06:44:46 PM is your clock right? there have been a lot of issues over at s3 caused by inaccurate clocks.
Title: Re: Same script and credentials fails on one machine, works on another Post by: wallyfoo on September 06, 2007, 03:08:05 PM I appears to be. Only a few minutes off of my local time, anyway. Would this kind of tiny variance cause an issue?
Title: Re: Same script and credentials fails on one machine, works on another Post by: lowflyinghawk on September 14, 2007, 07:37:59 PM I don't recall the exact limit, but it is small, maybe 2 minutes or less. try using ntp to keep your clocks accurate.