Title: error: uninitialized constant S3::Base64 (NameError) Post by: aboyz on April 01, 2008, 03:30:08 PM Hi,
I'm getting the following error when running the s3sync.rb ./upload.sh ./thread_generator.rb:81:in `end?': uninitialized constant S3::Base64 (NameError) from ./thread_generator.rb:129:in `next?' from s3sync.rb:363:in `main' from s3sync.rb:724 Title: Re: error: uninitialized constant S3::Base64 (NameError) Post by: geofftech on July 22, 2008, 11:33:15 PM I am getting a similar error on one of my servers. Other (supposedly) identical servers are working fine. Does anyone have an idea on this? Title: Re: error: uninitialized constant S3::Base64 (NameError) Post by: ferrix on July 23, 2008, 04:29:23 PM Are you missing base64.rb in your ruby installation's "lib" area? That's all I can think of; there's nothing s3sync adds or changes here, the b64 stuff is all straight from the AWS s3.rb file.