Title: Getting only newest files using s3cmd/s3sync Post by: radek on July 27, 2010, 05:39:05 AM Hi
Is there a way to get only the files which are newer that specific date/time? Lets say I want to only download the files which were uploaded to the bucket (or updated in the bucket) in last 24h - is this possible? Thanks, Radek Title: Re: Getting only newest files using s3cmd/s3sync Post by: Admin on July 28, 2010, 09:44:19 AM No, but that would be a good feature.
Title: Re: Getting only newest files using s3cmd/s3sync Post by: radek on July 28, 2010, 11:46:35 AM No, but that would be a good feature. Thanks for a prompt reply. Are you a maintainer of s3sync? I will be happy to help with the implementation of this feature. Any suggestions how it would be easiest to actually implement it are more than welcome :)Title: Re: Getting only newest files using s3cmd/s3sync Post by: Admin on July 29, 2010, 06:22:38 PM Whole package will be rewritten "soon". But if you want to add it, all the source code is in the .rb files you get with the download.