Title: "You didn't set up your environment variable" error Post by: adam11216 on February 29, 2008, 11:47:33 AM Hi All,
Let me start by saying that I think I'm in at least a couple inches over my head here, but I'd like to get this working. I'm getting the following error: You didn't set up your environment variables; see README.txt s3sync.rb [options] <source> <destination> version 1.2.4 --help -h --verbose -v --dryrun -n --ssl -s --recursive -r --delete --public-read -p --expires="<exp>" --cache-control="<cc>" --exclude="<regexp>" --progress --debug -d --make-dirs One of <source> or <destination> must be of S3 format, the other a local path. Reminders: * An S3 formatted item with bucket 'mybucket' and prefix 'mypre' looks like: mybucket:mypre/some/key/name * Local paths should always use forward slashes '/' even on Windows * Whether you use a trailing slash on the source path makes a difference. * For examples see README. I can't figure out where I'm supposed to enter that info. I'm using the method from this post: http://robrohan.com/2007/11/03/server-backup-with-amazon-s3-howto/, and I have my access keys in a separate .yml file. Many thanks for any help. Title: Re: "You didn't set up your environment variable" error Post by: rosenhauer on March 24, 2008, 03:11:21 PM Under Windows I had to change the following
In the s3config.rb file update it so it looks in the local folder (where s3sync.rb) is for the config file. confpath = ["#{ENV['S3CONF']}", "#{ENV['HOME']}/.s3conf", "/etc/s3conf"] to confpath = ["./", "#{ENV['S3CONF']}", "#{ENV['HOME']}/.s3conf", "/etc/s3conf"] I didn't want to mess with the environment variables. Title: Re: "You didn't set up your environment variable" error Post by: adam11216 on March 24, 2008, 04:29:12 PM brilliant! worked perfectly - many thanks.