
General Category => Questions => Topic started by: sethsyberg on August 30, 2009, 01:20:23 PM

Title: s3sync with ssl stopped working (KINDA SOLVED)
Post by: sethsyberg on August 30, 2009, 01:20:23 PM
I've been backing up with s3sync for a few months now.  Everything was mostly working fine during this time, though occasionally I would get an error like the one below.  Yet, now I always get this error.  The connection times out 99 times and then s3sync quits.  I have it setup in a nightly cron and I have an email waiting for me every morning letting me know it failed.  I've tried running from the command line to no avail.  Nothing has changed in my backup script, and I don't think anything has been affected by any other updates.

When I remove the "-s" option, s3sync works fine, but I am backing up sensitive data and sending clear text isn't really an option.  I can still access everything fine through S3Fox (with ssl enabled).  I think my certs file is fine, it's a centos rpm with the most recent version...  Anyways, here's what I see (this is just a test run on /tmp)

[root@seth s3sync]# /usr/bin/ruby /usr/local/ruby/s3sync/s3sync.rb -d -v -r -s --exclude="cache$" /tmp getseth:
s3Prefix tmp
localPrefix /tmp
local node object init. Name: Path:/tmp/ Size:38 Tag:d66759af42f282e1ba19144df2d405d0 Date:Sun Aug 30 18:07:52 UTC 2009
s3TreeRecurse getseth tmp
Creating new connection
Connection timed out: Connection timed out - connect(2)
99 retries left, sleeping for 30 seconds
.... and so on 99 times

Any ideas?

Title: Re: s3sync with ssl stopped working
Post by: sethsyberg on August 30, 2009, 01:41:14 PM
Just tried to use s3cmd with the same results:

[root@seth root]# ruby /usr/local/ruby/s3sync/s3cmd.rb listbuckets --ssl -d -v --progress
list all buckets {}
Creating new connection
.... time out

Title: Re: s3sync with ssl stopped working (KINDA SOLVED)
Post by: sethsyberg on August 30, 2009, 01:56:09 PM
Ok, so turns out this was a firewall issue, which is very strange because it worked sometimes and didn't work other times.  Apparently s3sync uses source port 3354 to establish a connection (sometimes?).  I have a very strict firewall and this wasn't open.  This makes me wonder though, is there a port range I need to leave open or does it always use 3354?  And how was it working before?  Is this something that changed on Amazon's end recently?

Any insights would be great.