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1  General Category / Report Bugs / "EOF error: end of file reached" on: December 12, 2007, 06:30:47 PM

When attempting to resync a large directory using s3sync, I am seeing the following errors returned:

EOF error: end of file reached
99 retries left
EOF error: end of file reached
98 retries left
EOF error: end of file reached
97 retries left
EOF error: end of file reached

Looking through s3try.rb it seems to be saying that this is a connection reset or similar from amazons end?

This has previously not been a problem, and retrieving files and bucketlistings etc is not proving to be an issue.

The previous s3sync run was aborted by me mid run, though I would not have thought that that would have been an issue.

Any suggestions as to where to look would be appreciated.


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