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General Category / Report Bugs / Re: Dots in folder names... Bug?
on: April 30, 2010, 11:17:23 AM
It could be a bug still. I have been going by memory and not actually testing.
I have been trying to get time to make a new s3sync that will be more easily extended and have less limitations. One down side to having this plan is that making changes and fixes to the old code seems a waste of time, and I've been neglecting it.
General Category / Report Bugs / Re: Dots in folder names... Bug?
on: April 29, 2010, 02:27:15 PM
Aha, I should have seen this from your command line.
I'm doing this from memory here, but: When you don't end the S3 path in a slash, anything that starts with that "prefix" gets seen as a subdirectory. I think this could be classified as a bug in the client code, since I don't think anyone ever intends that usage. It's an artifact of how S3 does list operations. Try trailing the s3 path with a slash?
General Category / Questions / Re: Copying between buckets
on: February 12, 2010, 10:37:06 PM
Unfortunately I haven't worked on this in a substantial capacity since before S3 supported the rename feature, so there's no "move" other than downloading out of S3 and re-uploading. Which clearly is not optimal.
General Category / Questions / Re: s3sync randomly re-updates nodes [corruption occurring]
on: January 11, 2010, 01:20:32 PM
This sounds like a serious issue, if it is caused by the sync. I have been very busy and unable to work on this project at all for a long time (as you noted).
But if you are able to isolate some case where this corruption is occurring (say, with a specific file) and you can send me that file to test with, I'll have a look at what's going on.
My long term "plan" for s3sync is to rewrite it in C and Lua because the ruby runtime is just total crap and has been (indirectly) responsible for many of the complaints about the project.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: s3sync Hangs on Startup
on: October 31, 2009, 10:19:17 AM
Well first, you probably don't really want a / after the bucket name and colon. The debug flag might give you more info. But are you sure it's hanging? It won't report as it's checking files that match up, only when copying new ones. Maybe verbose just isn't verbose enough for you?
General Category / Questions / Re: Using s3sync after Amazon Import
on: October 07, 2009, 01:13:57 AM
Actually it does not store the MD5 for files, that comes for free with S3. But it won't have permission data, which .. I think is OK. It will likely freak out about not having the right folder nodes. I never designed it to play nice with other tools, and it usually doesn't.