after some problems with a TCP buffer error (when uploading big files) now I split my data in 4MB tar files with this command before using s3sync:
tar -czf - "$domaindir/$website" | split -b 4m - "$destdir/$website/$website.tar.gz" &> /dev/null
but when my bash script run:
ruby /usr/emanuele/s3sync/s3sync.rb -r $destdir/$website/ backup-server-integramenti1:backup-dati/$website/
TCP buffer become full after some seconds.
In my Plesk panel normally have (name, current, software limit,unit,description):
tcpsndbuf 163,228 2,867,477 bytes Total size of buffers used to send data over TCP network connections
during s3sync uploads:
2,712,477 2,867,477 bytes Total size of buffers used to send data over TCP network connections
- maybe all the s3sync connections run at the same time?
- if is true, is there a way to limit s3sync simultaneus connections?