
General Category => Questions => Topic started by: Abd4llA on January 09, 2008, 10:06:43 AM

Title: Why does s3sync create empty directories as files ??
Post by: Abd4llA on January 09, 2008, 10:06:43 AM
I'm building a web interface for s3sync to be used as a backup interface on S3. After I upload any empty directories or upload a directory that contain any empty directory and try to download them again "get it on the local filesystem", s3sync doesn't understand the "empty" node directories and creates it as a file and not as an empty directory !!! I'd appreciate any help, I'm not a ruby guy

Ahmed Abd4llA

Redhat Support Engineer

Title: Re: Why does s3sync create empty directories as files ??
Post by: ferrix on January 09, 2008, 10:32:06 AM
Can you show me the sequence of commands you use and a test model of the directory structure that causes your issue?

Title: Re: Why does s3sync create empty directories as files ??
Post by: Abd4llA on January 10, 2008, 05:55:52 AM
Thanks for your reply, the problem is fixed in the latest version. When I used version 1.2.4 the problem no longer exists..

PS: I'd be glad to help in building a GUI for S3. I've already created one using php

Thanks anyway,

Ahmed Abd4llA

Redhat Systems Engineer