Hi Ferrix,
Thanks for the suggestion. I think you're right. Turns out that I can't reproduce the problem on a static copy of the data, but I can if the file is being modified while it's being uploaded, e.g. the live error_log on a site, or in my tests, simply appending data to the file while syncing.
The file upload appears to complete, but further attempts to access S3 all fail.
I saw another comment about this in the forums here:
http://s3sync.net/forum/index.php?topic=53.0. I think that extra handling for this case would be useful, as it's not at all clear to users what's going on.
My guess is that you check the file size more than once, and if it's changing fast then you get different values which confuses s3sync and causes it to break the HTTP protocol by sending more data than it's supposed to.
Could it be that the extra data ends up locked in the HTTPStreaming output buffer, trying to be sent before any subsequent request, which causes all subsequent requests to fail?
Actually I think (at least one) culprit may be /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb lines ~ 1523:
write_header sock, ver, path
if chunked?
while s = f.read(1024)
sock.write(sprintf("%x\r\n", s.length) << s << "\r\n")
sock.write "0\r\n\r\n"
while s = f.read(1024)
sock.write s
This makes no attempt to verify that the content_length() matches the current length of the file. Amazon doesn't support Chunked encoding either (I tried it) so the only option seems to be to fix this method.
Cheers, Chris.