
General Category => Questions => Topic started by: acidbox on October 06, 2009, 11:14:50 AM

Title: Using s3sync after Amazon Import
Post by: acidbox on October 06, 2009, 11:14:50 AM
I have 600 GB of files on my traditional file server that I need to use the Amazon Import/Export (http://aws.amazon.com/importexport/) service to push it all into S3.  My question is, once the data is moved into S3, can I use s3sync to push the remaining changed/added files into S3?  

I noticed that s3sync creates a lot of files with MD5 checks in them when it runs.  Obviously these won't be here if the data is populated by amazon and not the s3sync program.  Are there any pitfalls with this?

Title: Re: Using s3sync after Amazon Import
Post by: ferrix on October 07, 2009, 01:13:57 AM
Actually it does not store the MD5 for files, that comes for free with S3.  But it won't have permission data, which .. I think is OK.  It will likely freak out about not having the right folder nodes.

I never designed it to play nice with other tools, and it usually doesn't.  :)